Tuesday, November 13, 2012

An investment in time

Ethan asked me this morning what I am thankful for.  He knows Thanksgiving is right around the corner and his school is spending the entire month expressing thanks.  I immediately answered, "I am thankful for my family.  I am thankful that I have two wonderful boys, and a husband that loves us dearly."  But when Ethan responded with, "I am thankful my grandparents are still alive," it threw me for a loop.  He explained some kids at school told him they don't have any grandparents and how sad that made him.  "Wouldn't that be just awful, Mommy?"  Yes.  Yes it would.  Both my parents and my husband's parents are alive and healthy.  I too am thankful for that, but I have always just considered it status-quo.  Of course they are alive.  They will always be here. 

That got me thinking.  I often imagine my boys graduating high school and college, moving out into a place of their own.  But I never give the thought of what it would be like to have grandchildren of my own - a true reflection of my hard work as a mother.  I need to stay healthy and vibrant for my boys and their future children.  My boys are still quite young, only 1.5 and 4.5 years old, so I know I have a long time to worry about these things, but my health today is an investment in generations decades from now. 

The next time someone asks me why I run, I am going to tell them I do it for me, my kids, and my future grandchildren.  Running is my investment in time.

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