Thursday, February 20, 2014

From Boogers to Icy Hot

Training for my second marathon is a lot like having a second child.  I've already been there before, I know the race will be painful, but hell or high water, I'm finishing.  It isn't as exciting the second time around.  I don't study my calendar as closely or count the weeks I've covered or what I have left to do.  I get up everyday, go run, and get on with my day.  I brush my teeth every day too, and I don't write home about that.  It's become routine and I like it that way. 

I did however, make a discovery yesterday when I compared my Garmin from January-February 2013 and January 2014 to now.  I've run exactly twice the amount of miles this year as I did last year (130 miles vs. 260).  Somehow my legs haven't fallen off yet, so I guess something is working.

It's been a really busy and random week and most of the events have nothing to do with the other, so I figured it would be easiest to list them off.  Here we go:

  • I had a small cold last week.  It wasn't a bad one, but enough to leave my head full of boogers and ready to explode without Mucinex D.  I love that stuff.  But more than one pill at a time leaves me high as a kite, so one pill is all this light-weight can handle.  

  • Speaking of my cold, I completed 7 miles of speed work at the gym, mildly ill.  Working out at the gym sucks when you are sick because you can't blow snot rockets, it becomes a slipping hazard.  

Sorry boys.
  • My youngest son caught my cold, which completely plugged his nose.  Of course picking your nose is much more efficient to a 3 year old than blowing it out as Mommy preferred, so he studied his boogers all week.  "Sticky boogers are more green than watery ones."  This booger fascination compounded today when he decided to stick a Chocolate Cheerio up his nose.  After it came out, I asked him why he thought that was a good idea.  "I wanted to see if it fit, Mommy!" which sounded reasonable enough.  I responded, "Well, I'd say it fit pretty well, buddy."  To which he replied, "Sure did, Mommy!  Cause it was STUCK!"

After the Cheerio was gone. 
  • My mom came to town for the weekend.  Apparently, she is more awesome than me.  That's okay, Ethan and Owen, your kids will think I am more fun than you someday too. 

"How many Cheerios will fit in that hole, Grandma?"
  • After my speed work lately my legs have been completely shot. My calves have been so tired that I actually calculate the effort it will take to climb the stairs to collect the dirty laundry, versus the effort of allowing my kids to throw the laundry at me while I wait at the bottom and picking it up again to bring it to the washer.  (Still think I'm not fun boys?  What mom subjects herself to laundry target practice? Really awesome, tired ones!)

  • Last year, I started taking ice baths after my 17 miler.  By started I mean, I took one and swore to never do that again, the "icy hot" pain was unbearable.  This time I did some research and learned you don't have to induce frostbite to encourage muscle healing.  8-10 minutes in 40-60 degree water is sufficient.  I like 50 degrees best because 40 is sadistic, 60 seems wussy, and 50 is tolerable, although my girl parts still think they are being punished for something they didn't do. 
Owen watched as I lowered myself in.  He told me he likes warm baths the best just in case I was confused.
  • Rest days leave me with an insane amount of pent-up energy in the afternoon.  I swept, mopped, and polished my hardwood floors yesterday.  Bona Floor Polish is amazing.  Not to mention the rest of the house I cleaned, the awesome dinner I made, or the 2 mile bike ride I took Owen on (that's a lot for a 3 year old who stops to touch the mud to investigate how "squooshy" it is every 10 feet.). 
  • I watched my 6 year old take off in a dead sprint across the football field yesterday after I picked him up from school.  He was racing a boy in his class that is easily a foot taller (Ethan is in the 10% for height), and 2 boys who are in second grade.  They ran about 100 yards and when Ethan beat them all by about 15 feet or more, I silently danced in my head.  That's my boy!  
Don't let the shell fool you, this kid's got speed!

That sums up my week but leaves me with a lot of questions for you:

How is your week going?

Have your kids ever stuck anything up their noses? 

What do you do on your rest days? 

How many miles have you run this year so far?

Do you take ice baths?  

How do you compare training for distances that you've covered already?


Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Savory Running

While I was pregnant with each of my boys, I became so dedicated to eating that my life literally revolved around the dinner table.  I luckily didn't gain that much weight, as I prefer fresh foods, and I stayed healthy throughout, but when I got hungry, I needed to eat immediately.  I was utterly desperate for food.

My back hurts looking at this picture.  I was 36 weeks along.  Owen came 2.5 weeks later.
Yesterday a friend of mine asked if I were pregnant again.  She was stunned by how much I eat, while not gaining any weight.

Baby weight gone... ;)
 No way!  I am not pregnant.  I am training for another marathon and my body handles the training the same way I handled growing two baby boys in my belly, like a veracious dinosaur.

Don't mess with a hungry running Mama!
Here's yesterday's diet:

Pre-Run Snack - A banana and glass of orange juice.  This is my go to pre-run snack.  If I run anything longer than 7 miles, I may add a Cliff Bar to the mix.

Breakfast - I had white tea with whole grain flour crepes with fresh strawberries piled high.  I also had a small smoothie with strawberries, pineapple, a half a banana, apple juice, and one scoop of protein powder.

Morning snack - two small slices of whole grain bread made with sunflower and flax seeds with hummus and tomatoes. 

Lunch - a large spinach salad with toasted almonds, cranberries, feta, and honey vinaigrette.  I threw on a hard boiled egg for good measure.

Afternoon snack - chocolate mousse with almonds sprinkled on top.  I made it fresh the day before and therefore controlled the amount of sugar and I used only high quality dark chocolate.  An hour later I had an Asian pear with a very small handful of trail mix consisting of nuts, cranberries, and goji berries.  Sprouts Market had this mix on sale last week for $4.99lb!

Dinner - plank salmon with steamed fresh veggies, a glass of milk and an Easy Street. 

I don't know if I eat too much or too little.  I eat when I am hungry.  Yes, I indulge here and there.  I love cupcakes and cookies and chocolate mousse leaves me in a state of pure bliss.  Tofu stir fry, grilled salmon, protein smoothies, eggs, spiced quinoa with apples, pinhead oatmeal with cranberry compote, pork tenderloin, veggie laced lasagna, and open face sandwiches with roast beef, avocado, and hummus are ridiculously good.  How else should I feed a T-Rex in training? 

What are your favorite foods while training?
How do you stave off that hunger?
I'd love to hear your recipes!
