Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Colfax Marathon Taper. My hands are shaking.

I am loosing my mind.  The Hanson's Marathon Method calls for a 10 day taper.  Six days into that recovery period and I can't stand it anymore.  For 5 days I felt strong and energetic.  I was so grateful to finally have energy back.  But now I have more energy than I know what to do with.  I tap pencils, my hands are shaking, my stomach is upset, my heart races, and my legs are begging to move.  I haven't cut out running altogether and I still have a fairly high mileage over this 10 day period, but half the mileage from my peak schedule, 60 miles down to 25, is causing major withdrawals. 

I let my 3 year old son skip his nap yesterday so we could go somewhere.  We ended up at Yogurtini and then the mall where we walked around in circles endlessly.  Walking to pick my son up from school another mom asked me, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine.  I just need to do something." Her eyes bugged out a bit at my enthusiasm.

Last night I cleaned my house.  I cleaned so violently that I fell down in a heap of exhaustion at the end of it.  Twenty minutes later my legs and hands started shaking again.  I fell asleep easily last night but at 5:00 this morning, my normal running time, I awoke to a racing heart and misfiring muscles.  So I came downstairs, ate a quick snack and sat in silence wondering, "What the hell do people do with themselves who get up at ungodly hours and don't run?"

Now that my family is awake, they keep staring at me, like they are waiting for detonation.  So here I sit with my head down, legs secretively shaking under the desk.   

Crap, I have 4 more days of this. 


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