Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Colfax Marathon Training Week 3

Sometimes you have to indulge.  I've seen infinite signs, cups, posters, etc... that read, "I run so I can eat!"  I don't run to eat.  I just like food and running keeps my extravagance a secret. 

I ran with a friend yesterday, which is my favorite way to push through a long run.  It would have been a LONG 8 miles without her.  We were both a bit sluggish and I was so proud not to be alone in my lethargy.  My Yasso 800s left me sore from the day before, but it was really my new pilates routine that kicked my tush.  Anyway, I somehow picked an 8 mile route that was completely uphill.  I understand that doesn't seem possible, especially on a loop, but trust me it is!  Out of 8 miles, 5.5 of those were uphill, climbing between 3-6% grades. 

I also bought a new pair of barefoot trainers the day before and the store said they would let me try them out on trails instead of a treadmill if I returned them within 24 hours if they didn't work.  I knew this was a bad idea before I started, but I didn't listen to my inner wisdom.  Instead, I ended up with a beautiful blister that made residence next to my big toe. 

After our run, we sat on the sidewalk and rested for a few and while I know she returned home to do an Insanity workout, I did not.  First, I lazily watched my husband make lunch.  For those of you that are used to their husbands or wives cooking for them, this doesn't seem like a worthy treat, but I relish the opportunity to be served.  Next, I took a 20 minute nap, and when dinner rolled around, we headed to Red Lobster where I ate my weight in butter and arthropods. 

I ran 24 miles this week, completed 3 yoga/pilates workouts, and chased after two ridiculously energetic preschoolers.  When I see a good meal and the chance to relax, I'll take it.  Lord knows, I'll be dreaming of pizza, beer, and a long nap on my next 10 miler!

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