Tuesday, May 5, 2015

A Soggy Ride

Soggy weather or not, I found heaven.  This morning I shed the glances from other moms at the carpool drop off at my boys' school.  I wore 3 layers on top and bike shorts on the bottom.  I'm sure they were thinking, "That lady is nuts!"  But a little rain never stopped my running.  Who cares if traveling at 18 mph forces the water droplets to pelt my face and leave a constant stream of water running down my glasses?  The roads were empty and the animals were out en force.

I've never seen the Platte River this high.  It was spilling over the edges by a good 6 feet.  The water lapped the edges of the bicycle underpass.  But the sound of rushing water provided peace and serenity. 
The best time to enjoy a wildlife refuge is in cooler temperatures, when you can actually see animals.  The rain drizzled constantly, cooling my body efficiently, and finally proving to my husband that my $100 cycling rain jacket I bought two years ago was a great find!  I rode 17 miles around Chatfield State Park, keeping to the paths and roads that hugged the reservoir.  All of the clouds hung low and because I was one of a very select few weirdos who braved the weather, it was utterly silent.   

Those are vultures.
At one point, I rode along a dirt path atop the dam, admiring the 100 foot drop to either side of me.  Swallows swooped daringly in front of my bike by the dozens, greedily grabbing at the invisible insects.  They didn't seem to notice or care about my presence and instead protected me from a constant battering of bug juices on my handlebars.   

Several deer hunkered down in the woods, enjoying the peace, standing erect and proud like statues.

For once I wasn't rushed.  I didn't feel like I had anywhere to be or a speed to conquer.  Because of the quiet, my competitive spirit slept, finally leaving me to enjoy the ride.  I stopped often, watching the herons, vultures, deer, bunnies, and song birds.  My mind drifted and I had some time to process the news from last week.  My life is complete.  I can do everything except run, and while there may always be a hole begging to be filled, I am not in any hurry to undergo another surgery.   This decision needs more time.  I'm not giving up on running, just taking a planned break; and this time it will be my choice.

FYI clipless shoes aren't ideal for hiking.

Meet BlueBelle.  Today, I christened my road bike as a cyclocross bike.  She took it like a champ!

For one full year I have done physical therapy every single week. I've been in constant rehabilitation mode and not had the opportunity to enjoy activities.  Throughout the healing process I kept telling myself, "When I get back out there, I won't take it for granted."  By constantly wanting to run, I'm taking what I can do for granted.  I've worked hard to get to this point.  Last year I couldn't ride a bike or sit in a car for any period of time as the pain was unbearable.  I have my life back and I want to enjoy this summer filled with cycling, mountain biking, hiking, camping, Pilates, and swimming.  Surgeries come with risk and rehabilitation, no matter what a surgeon says.  They don't have to live with the consequences of their words.  I do.  For now, I am going to make my own adventures and ride on, rain or shine.


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