That got me thinking. The last time I ran, my calves burned like I was literally giving birth again, but in all the wrong places. Why do I miss this so much? What exactly is the appeal and why am I aching to get back out there, pronto?
Marathon training has brought on a whole host of discomforts that I rarely experienced while running sub 13 miles. And while all these ailments are hilariously painful or embarrassing, I miss them desperately...
- Mangled Calves. Each week I think, oh man I can't do this. "26.2 may be more than I can chew!" But then I complete the distance and change my running mantra to something more encouraging, "26.2 I'll get you!" However, the instant I finished my 17 miler, my calves reared up in such tremendous pain my mantra screamed, "26.2 I freaking HATE you!" Stretching didn't work, walking didn't work. It just hurt. Monica, my faithful running buddy, informs me, "We need salt. Next time, I will bring some salt packets and the pain will vanish instantly!"
- Salt packets. As if contracting pain in your calves isn't enough, a dedicated runner who wants to look like a real athelete and not a drunk person, who was thrown off of the electric bull at the local sports bar, has to eat a tablespoon of pure salt granules to stop writhing in pain. Gross.
- Peeing. Port-a-potties are never conveniently located. I've read that's why some girls wear running skirts as it provides instant privacy, but I know I would fail miserably and be left wearing my pee for 10 miles.
- Gu. It tastes like flavored mucous. I have yet to find a flavor I can take down in one or two solid gulps.
- Running Drunk. Somewhere between miles 12-20, I loose the ability to think/walk straight. It doesn't happen every time but the crooked walking gait, combined with slow processing speed are a dead give-away!
- Exhaustion. A couple of weekends ago, I ran 15 miles. Exactly 45 minutes later I found myself in a Chuck E. Cheese's kids restaurant surrounded by bad pizza and screaming kids. No distance produces enough endorphins to handle that.
- Running Knees. This is a new one for me. I'm a relatively injury free runner. But for a week, I joined the injured roster. Walking down stairs was excruciating and I could only think, "Heal you stupid knees! I need to run 8 tomorrow!"
- Snot. Enough said.
- Nasty feet. I would love a pedicure, but I don't want to embarrass myself. The bottoms of my feet are not pretty.
- Salt Face. After a long run, all the salt in my body somehow ends up on my face. When I am done running, I wipe the sweat from my cheeks to be greeted with billions of fine salt granules.
- Chafing Anywhere. Thank goodness for Body Glide because there is nothing like showering after a long run and instantly discovering all the chaffed spots on my feet, back, chest, or legs with fire water!